S1 I can take one away one from any number up to 10.

S2 I can subtract U – U.

S3 I can work out ‘how many I need to take away’ from a number to leave me with a given number.

S4 I can subtract TU – U by counting back on a number line.

S5 I can subtract TU – multiple of 10.

S6 I can subtract TU – U without apparatus.

S7 I can subtract TU – TU using apparatus or informal methods.

S8 I can subtract TU-TU with no exchanging.

S9 I can subtract £ and pence and cm.

S10 I can subtract HTU-HTU with no exchanging.

S11 I can subtract TU - TU with exchanging.

S12 I can subtract HTU - TU with exchanging.

S13 I can subtract numbers involving negative numbers set out on a number line.

S14 I can subtract HTU - HTU with exchanging.

S15 I can subtract £ and p.

S16 I can subtract ThHTU – HTU.

S17 I can subtract U.t – U.t.

S18 I can subtract numbers with different amounts of digits.

S19 I can subtract U.th – U.th.

S20 I can subtract whole numbers and decimals.

S21 I can subtract negative numbers in a context (e.g. temperature).

S22 I can subtract different sized decimal numbers.

S23 I can subtract more than two different sized decimal numbers.